Szczecin history
Szczecin's past is indeed complex. From being the part of Poland (Chrobry and Krzywousty kings) to Danish rule and attempts not to give in to the domination of the Brandenburg (Bogusław X marriage to Anna Jagiellonka), Swedish and later Prussian rule, with a short break for the French occupation, to back to Poland in 1945. The history of the postwar Polish Szczecin was about rebuilding and expanding of industry, culture and education. It has been Szczecin where the first Polish "millenial" has been built (the "Thousand schools for the millenium" slogan, marking 1000 years of Poland's statehood), in Szczecin sang "Filipnki" ("Alibabki" came much later), the legend of Polish motoring (Junak motorcycle) was made in Szczecin. You may remember clothes from "Odra" and "Dana". Also "Festiwal młodych talentów", the springboard for the contemporary music stars. Many high-brows had Szczecin episodes, which they warmly recollect, in their career . Let's not forget Szczecin shipyards. Those were the hallmarks of the pre-1989 Szczecin. The last 21 years in Szczecin have been about the gradual collapse of industry. Will it ever return to Szczecin? You never know, but the fact is Szczecin is growing dynamically in the field of culture and education. Our quad scull are four time world champions and olympic champions. What is the future for Szczecin in the new reality? Hopefully bright. Interesting: in 19th c. a Chinese vice-king, Japanese heir to the throne and kaiser Franz Josef visited Szczecin. The picture shows Szczecin's historic repatriates office.
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