Szczecin sports
Sports has been present in Szczecin since the 19th c. when Turnverein was launched. Runner Otto Pelzer and boxer Max Schmelling made it famous in the 1920s and 1930s. After 1945, Polish sports in Szczecin started with the birth of the club, which today is MKS Pogoń Szczecin. Now many of its sections are long gone and MKS Pogoń Szczecin soccer team, celebrating 72 years, playing at the Floriana Krygier stadium is the most known. Szczecin, too, is sucessful MKL athletes such as Piotr Lisek. And don't forget runner Sophia Ennaoui; Marek Kolbowicz who, with other Szczecin Olympians, has its roundabout. More contact sports, such as karate with Bodaikan or Samuraj clubs, boast multimedallists and matter in the world. For MMA fans we have "de Zoo", "Irokez" i "Manolo" and Materla. In Szczecin, too, we don't forget about gentelmans, offering them ATP's PKO Szczecin Open and golf. The nearest golf course is in the nearby Binowo and popular actors somtimes play there. At Szafera we have the 7500 seats show and sports center. And there are the great Shades Cheerleaders. The picture shows Pogoń Szczecin's new stadium.